Czone integration enables remote switching and CZone alarms from Sentinel mobile App. Czone Integration is enabled by purchasing one of two possible license add-ons (Czone lite or Czone unlimited) in addition to the existing Sentinel subscription plans.

CZone add-ons

The table below gives a basic overview of the two available add-ons including the yearly pricing. 

CZone add-on
Price (EUR, VAT excl.)
CZone unlimited (PRO)
  • Unlimited number of remote CZone switches. Remote switches are excluded from subscription plan’s sensor/switch count.
  • Real-time CZone circuit state updates in the app
+160 euro
CZone lite
  • Number of remote CZone switches limited by the subscription plan size.
  • Alerts are received for selected sensors and switches only
+24 euro

**see table below for more details

Detailed CZone add-on features

** Update rate

While CZone unlimited provides real-time switch updates from the system, CZone lite updates the switch state periodically at least every 20 minutes. This means that if a switch is activated onboard, its state in the Sentinel app will update no later than 20 minutes later. However, when toggling a switch state from the Sentinel app, it will be updated immediately.

As remote switching is usually used while not being on-board, the delay of max. 20 minutes should be acceptable. On the other hand flipping a switch also updates the state and allows a work-around to refresh the switch state on request. 

CZone Unlimited sends all alerts to the mobile app, while CZone Lite only forwards alerts for selected sensors and switches. For example, with CZone Unlimited, you will receive a shore power alert even if the shore power sensor is not selected on your sensors screen. In contrast, CZone Lite requires you to select the shore power sensor to receive alerts related to it.

Choosing between CZone unlimited and CZone lite

An example: a boat with 10 monitored inputs and 4 remote switches could use:

a) Basic subscription plan with support for up to 10 sensors + switches + CZone unlimited add-on

b) Basic subscription plan with support for up to 15 sensors + switches + CZone lite add-on

Both plans could monitor all sensors and remotely toggle the switches, however the difference is:

  • plan a) will update switch states in real time and will allow user to add more (unlimited) czone switches for remote switching. User will still have 10 sensor readouts available for monitoring in addition to unlimited number of CZONE switches. It will also automaticall acknowledge alarms when they are acknowledged by (in) the CZone system.
  • in plan b) the size of subscription plan defines the number of sensors and swithches available for monitoring. The total number in this case is 15 sensors + switches. Switches will be updated when user makes a change in the app (toggles a button) or every 20 minutes. User has to acknowledge CZone alarm in Sentinel app before a new alarm of the same type can be received.